Holiday Planning During the Pandemic
As the holiday season approaches, residents and families will, of course, want to spend as much time together as possible; research shows quality time is crucial for residents’ wellbeing, emotionally and physically. The LifeSpire team is committed to facilitating this connection and providing accommodations to the extent possible.
According to county positivity rates, which are updated weekly, visitation processes may change as test results are received for both residents and team members. These changes are challenging for LifeSpire’s community teams as they strive to stay in compliance with standards set forth by various agencies, but not as overwhelming as it is for residents and families not seeing loved ones.
It is LifeSpire’s mission to empower residents’ choices while keeping them safe. Achieving the right balance between safety/protection and choice is challenging. The decision-making process is based on what is best for residents while following regulations and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH).
In part, on-campus visitation practices will be dependent on circumstances LifeSpire’s team cannot control, and such changes will be communicated as they have been previously and as quickly as possible.
LifeSpire’s detailed plan regarding the upcoming holidays is available online.